Staff Spotlight
Centurion’s own Joanna Binney is running the 2024 NYC Marathon for GallopNYC!
Joanna is thrilled to be running her second New York City marathon this year, and she is even more excited to be running to raise funds and awareness for Gallop NYC, of which Deanie Barth is a founding member. Gallop provides therapeutic experiences with horses for members of the NYC community of all ability levels.
Here’s how YOU can support this amazing partnership:
Support Joanna and Gallop’s fundraising efforts HERE
You can also follow highlights from Joanna’s training journey on Instagram: @jbinneyrunz
Thank you in advance from Joanna, Gallop, and everyone at Centurion PT!
Your contribution will help GallopNYC subsidize scholarships for riding lessons for children and adults with disabilities as well as essential care (hay, bedding, and veterinary services) for GallopNYC’s invaluable herd of horses.