
New Services at Centurion!

Centurion Physical Therapy / Fitness & Sports  / New Services at Centurion!
Anti-Gravity Treadmill

New Services at Centurion!

We’ve been hard at work and are thrilled to share some exciting new services with you!

Anti-Gravity Treadmill: We now offer an anti-gravity treadmill! Using a differential air

pressure system, this treadmill reduces weight-bearing, making it ideal for individuals with

weight bearing restrictions who need to restore their gait, runners recovering from injury,

and those with joint issues seeking low-impact cardiovascular exercise.

NeuroCatch Cognitive Assessment: Introducing the NeuroCatch device, which provides a

non-invasive EEG to assess cognitive brain function. We can now measure your baseline

attention, auditory processing, and cognitive processing—an invaluable tool for post-

concussion evaluations or anyone concerned about brain health.

YouTube Channel & Exercise Videos: We’ve also launched our YouTube channel, featuring

guided tutorials for our most commonly prescribed exercises! Clear instructions ensure

proper form, and you can easily access these videos on our website under “Exercise Videos.”

Feel free to speak with your physical therapist or contact the front desk to learn more!